Reddit is the number one platform for current affairs and has gained immense popularity since its release in 2005. However, it is subject to strict moderation, which can lead to deleted comments. Additionally, prejudicial opinions can render a post offensive, and many comments and posts are deleted before you can view them. Click the [removed] or [deleted] sign to access deleted comments.

Reddit’s Removed Comments are immediately accessible via the following these platforms:

  1. Removeddit
  2. Ceddit
  3. Resavr
  4. Unreddit
  5. Un-Delete Reddit Comments – Chrome Extension
  6. Wayback Machine
  7. Uneddit

Although once something gets deleted, it is lost forever. However, this is not the case with Reddit. Thanks to the Application Programming Interface of the Python-written website, one can recover the comments even after deletion. So without further ado, let’s get right into how you can access deleted comments on Reddit. 

Ways To Access Deleted Comments On Reddit

Here are some of the ways by which you can access deleted comments on Reddit.


Removeddit is one of the most popular platforms to view deleted Reddit comments and posts. This program is meant to access deleted comments on Reddit and has a very user-friendly interface. It was to act as a temporary replacement for Reddit when it wasn’t working efficiently.

The only difference between both is that Reddit doesn’t show you comments deleted by the user. Removeddit, on the other hand, shows you both deletions made by the user plus posts and comments removed by the moderator.

removeedit platform image

The impressive feature of it is that it works on the “bookmarklet” feature. You can save it in the bookmarks option. You can click on the bookmark, and it will show the archived version of any removed comment.

There are two ways via which you can access deleted comments on Reddit with the help of Removeddit. They are as follows:

  1. Go to the site and drag the bookmarklet titled ‘Removeddit‘ to your bookmark bar. Now, click on the bookmark whenever you’re on Reddit and come across a deleted comment or post. Now, you can see the deleted comment or post in red. This way, you will move from Reddit to Removeddit.removeedit reddit
  2. Another way you can access Removeddit is by replacing the ‘Reddit‘ in the URL of the page you’re on with ‘removed it.’ Ensure you’re on the deleted comment or post page for this to work. Select ‘Enter,’ and you’ll see the deleted post/comment. 

So that’s how to read deleted Reddit comments with the help of Removeddit. However, if you don’t, for any reason, wish to use Removeddit, read on.

Visit: Removeddit 

See Also: Recover Deleted Files on Mac | 5 Ways To Recover from Emptied Trash


Ceddit is probably the most powerful tool that grants access to the removed comments from Reddit. It is a dark-themed website that caters to a browsing experience similar to Reddit. It is just like Reddit and has identical functions. You cannot find any secret content. It is an API client in JS (Javascript).

ceddit platform

With Ceddit, you can access subreddits and threads, just as you would do on Reddit, and view all the posts with undeleted and deleted comments simultaneously. It features a surprising function that informs you about who deleted the comment. No matter whether it was a bot or a user, Ceddit does not take long to disclose their identity.

The website is compelling but not more than Reddit. Compared to the latter, Ceddit is a bit slower, but we recommend it the most because one can access deleted comments on Reddit through this.

Visit: Ceddit


Resavr is a beneficial tool for Access Deleted Comments on Reddit. The unique feature of this website is that only those comments contain more than 1000 characters. However, people consider it to be a drawback. That’s because the website cannot recover the short and to-the-point comments. But, Resavr’s ideology is that the longer the comment, the more informative it is.

resavr platform

It does not provide a Reddit-like interface to the users. Instead, you can access the content from the Resavr website itself, and it will come in handy to access deleted comments on Reddit. Through its website, you can know the exact time and date when the comment was posted and the period after it got deleted.

You can go to the main thread of the deleted comment, to the parent link, and to the subreddit to which the comment belongs. The comment can also be shared on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Visit: Resavr


Unreddit is a Chrome extension that helps to show you the removed Reddit comments and posts. Therefore, this extension shows you content that the moderators have removed.

unreddit platform

Unreddit is compatible with both old and new Reddit. Additionally, this extension doesn’t slow down your device either.

If you’re wondering how to access deleted comments on Reddit with Unreddit, you need to go to Reddit’s website. The extension highlights removed comments or posts in red on any Reddit page you’re on. 

Visit Here: Unreddit

Un-Delete Reddit Comments

Un-delete Reddit Comments is another great Chrome extension for all Reddit enthusiasts.

This software facilitates you to save all kinds of additional comments and content. It allows one to save Reddit content as a cache, which can be viewed later. Although recovering the previously removed comments is impossible, it’s valuable software if you try to cache all the important things manually.

undelete extension

If you utilize that extension, all you have to do is quickly open a particular comment that has to be cached and click on the extension. It would lead the extension to showcase a large cache option below. Selecting that option will preserve the page in the cache. One can select the extension option afterward to review the saved page.

Visit: Un-Delete Reddit Comments

Wayback Machine

Wayback Machine is a website that takes and stores screenshots of internet activity. It has billions of screenshots captured and stored pretty much since the advent of the internet.

The deleted comments on Reddit are saved in a vast abundance and presented in a calendar-like interface; you have to look for the date and time of the post to which you want to access. It will then lead you to a copy of Reddit pages. This leads you to access deleted comments on Reddit.

Here is how to read deleted Reddit comments using Wayback Machine:

  1. Copy the URL of the Reddit page where the deleted comment was initially present.wayback
  2. Next, go to Wayback Machine’s website and insert the URL in the search bar.
  3. Next, browse through the screenshots to find the deleted comment. 

This can be a tedious way to find and read a deleted comment or post, so it isn’t the most recommended method. However, it can work as a last resort when nothing else seems to work.

Visit Here: Wayback Machine


One of the most widespread and comfortable uses of the tool. The Uneddit can access Deleted Comments on Reddit immediately. It is a simple extension that you can extract from the official web page.

You must visit the page and drag the blue Uneddit button to your bookmarks bar. You can simply press the button when surfing on Reddit or reading a post and find a deleted comment.

unddit platform

Whenever you command Uneddit to reveal the deleted comments, it displays the highlighted comments in red, thereby increasing efficiency and readability.

For security concerns, you can use the Uneddit service in incognito mode. Uneddit does not work flawlessly with new posts, significantly the posts which are less than seven hours old. It can mistakenly display an undeleted comment as deleted or may not identify a new and deleted comment.

Another limitation with Uneddit is that you cannot view deleted comments before the launch. This is because Uneddit stored the comments and other data after the launch. Also, they neglect any data that was present previously.

Visit: Uneddit


Can I access deleted comments on Reddit?

No, you cannot directly access deleted comments on Reddit. Comments are generally not published once they have been deleted by a user or deleted by a moderator.

Is there a legitimate way to access deleted comments on Reddit?

Although we cannot directly access deleted comments, there may be indirect ways to recover them. These methods include using third-party Reddit archive websites, searching public comment databases, and using search engines to find cached versions of Reddit pages.

What is a third-party Reddit archive site?

A third-party Reddit archive site is a platform that stores and indexes Reddit posts and comments. Common examples include Ceddit, Removeddit, and Pushshift. These websites can track comments people delete before removing them from the Reddit platform.

Is it ethical to access deleted comments on Reddit?

Different people have different ethical perspectives, but as a general rule, it's important to respect the choice of a user or moderator who deletes a word or comment. Trying to access deleted comments without proper permission can invade someone's privacy and go against Reddit's rules. It's vital to be careful and treat others with respect.

Can I contact Reddit support to retrieve deleted comments?

Unfortunately, Reddit does not provide a direct support channel for retrieving deleted comments. Once a comment is deleted, it is usually permanent and cannot be recovered. However, you may try contacting the subreddit moderators or admins for assistance, but there is no guarantee that they can retrieve the deleted comments.


So here’s how to access deleted comments on Reddit that have been rousing your curiosity for ages. Redditors have used each platform listed in this article for years, so they are sure to benefit you!  

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Kaushal Malkan
You can always find me playing the piano or playing FIFA when I'm not binge-watching TV Series with pizzas. Fountainhead of TechWhoop. Life motto: The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.