Raspberry Pi developed the raspberry pi zero projects for all hobbyists interested in the tech space. It is a mini single-board computer that can be implemented in the making of several high-end projects. It is highly affordable and compact. Hence, why, the raspberry pi zero uses are endless.

Best Raspberry Pi Zero W Projects
  • Gameboy
  • Raspberry Pi Zero Project Drone
  • GPS tracker
  • Pico Projector
  • Spy Cam
  • Electronic Skateboards
  • Self Driving Car
  • Weather Station

As of today, it is applied by several students and tech enthusiasts in their tech-related endeavors. Several people use the raspberry pi zero in the final version of their projects as it consumes less power than other Pi boards. Therefore, building projects that are battery-powered is perfect.

So now that you’ve been acquainted with the Pi’s features and benefits, have you ever wondered what you could build with it? If you’ve been surfing the internet, trying to find an answer to the question, “What can I do with a raspberry pi zero?” then here is where the search ends. Here is the list of the top 8 raspberry pi zero projects you can implement today. 


What better use can you get out of the raspberry pi zero than to incorporate it into a piece of nostalgia? The raspberry pi zero works marvelously if you want to build your custom-made Gameboy. There are three ways to make a raspberry pi game boy:

  • Adapt an existing Game Boy.
  • 3D print a Game Boy case.
  • You can also purchase a raspberry pi Gameboy kit.


Depending on your level of experience, you can pick either method. Due to its easy implementation, it is one of the most sought-after raspberry pi 0 projects. If you’re looking for step-by-step instructions for any of the afore-listed methods to build a Gameboy, you can always visit YouTube or GitHub.

Raspberry Pi Zero Project Drone

Due to their growing popularity and increased usage, drones have proved to be brilliant raspberry pi zero projects in the preceding years. To build a drone with a pi 0 is cheaper rather than having to purchase one. Several pieces are involved in putting this project together, which is a little complex compared to the other projects on this list.

raspberry pi zero drone

However, each piece is available for purchase online. Additionally, you may find a complete step-by-step tutorial for the same on YouTube as well as Hackster.  

GPS tracker

A portable and compact GPS tracker is always great, so we have included it in our list of raspberry pi zero projects. Since pi 0 is so tiny, it can be incorporated anywhere. You can use the GPS tracker for your car to keep a tab on its location and your pet’s collar.

gps tracker

If you’re seeking a step-by-step tutorial to build a GPS tracker, then Udemy has one for the same. 

Pico Projector 

Pico Projectors are another great raspberry pi zero projects to build as compact and easily portable. Being able to develop your very own handheld projector is an incredible feat to accomplish. You can use the Pico Projector to project high-quality images on a screen. However, depending on how frequently you use it, it can get a little costly.

pico projector

Ultimately, it may just be easier and cheaper to buy rather than build it. That said, a tutorial can be found on YouTube to develop a Pico Projector. 

Spy Cam

A spy cam is a fantastic project to build and has got various uses to it too. You can make a small security camera with the RPI 0 by inserting it in a natural or fake camera case. You need not restrict yourself to a camera too. With this cam, you can turn everyday household objects into spy cameras.

raspberry pi zero projects spy cam

This is also ultimately cheaper than having to purchase one. For your reference, a step-by-step tutorial to build a Spy Cam is on Instructables and Youtube. 

Electronic Skateboards

Building electronic skateboards is another excellent raspberry pi project. YouTuber TheRaspberryPiGuy first made it as a part of his summer project. The skateboard has one motor and goes up to a maximum speed of 30 mph. You can control a skateboard with the help of a Nintendo Wii Controller.

 raspberry pi zero projects electronic skateboard

Several online ways and tutorials teach you how to build an electronic skateboard. However, you can always switch it up at your convenience, as there is no right or wrong way to make it. 

Self Driving Car

The possibility of a self-driving car has been all the rage in recent years. However, if you plan to build your own, preferably the size of a toy car, then the RPI 0 can help you. The parts required to make it are widely available and not as expensive.

raspberry pi self driving car

However, if you are looking for a detailed explanation of building a self-driving car, you can find one on Udemy, Youtube, or even GitHub. 

Weather Station

The final project on our list of raspberry pi zero projects to try out is a Weather station. You can build your weather station that displays various weather metrics for the day. Additionally, you can also get weather forecasts on it. The best part is that you need not restrict the display to just the weather.

raspberry pi weather station

Hence, you can switch it up with your custom data and website. You can find a complete tutorial to build a weather station on Instructables.

Also, Check: Why Is Raspberry Pi So Popular?

Make a Google Home with a Bluetooth Speaker.

Can you make your own Google Assistantenabled smart speaker? Yes, it’s thrilling creative raspberry pi projects!

google home

A Pi Zero is linked with a Bluetooth-enabled speaker microphone and the SDK for Google Assistant to accomplish utility. This can be used to ask inquiries and perform almost all the tasks asgadget. However, this DIY gadget does not deal with the casting portion of the Home experience.

WiFi Camera

In this nifty Pi Zero project, The camera is connected to the Pi Zero W through a CSI connection. Because of interoperability, assemble a WiFipowered camera(s) at a fraction of the cost of commercial devices.

wifi camera

The motionEyeOS is a purpose-built surveillance system for your SBC. This project is Pi Zero.

What Can You Do with a Raspberry Pi Zero?

  • Build a Raspberry Pi computer of your own
  • Create a Stop Motion Film
  • Put together a Raspberry Pi Web Server
  • Assemble a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi

raspberry pi

  • Assemble a Raspberry Pi Home Automation System.
  • Make a kickass social media bot
  • Make an awesome virtual Jukebox.
  • Assemble a network monitoring tool for Pi.


Is the Raspberry Pi superior to the Arduino?

If you look at the clock's speed, the Raspberry is 40 times quicker than an Arduino one. Pi has 128,000 times more RAM than Arduino, which appears to be more devastating for Arduino. Although the Raspberry Pi Zero may be superior to the Arduino, this can only be true regarding software applications.

What are the drawbacks of Raspberry Pi?

It is not a computer replacement, and the processor is not speedy. Downloading and installing software takes time, so intricate multitasking is out of the picture. Other operating systems, such as Windows, are incompatible.

Is WiFi available on the Raspberry Pi Zero?

The new Raspberry Pi Zero W includes all the advantages of the Pi Zero v1. 3, with one major exception: built-in WiFi! These many updates install a BCM43143 WiFi chip that is BUILT-IN into your Raspberry Pi Zero, much like the Pi 3! This Pi doesn't need any annoying WiFi adapters because it's WiFi ready.

What makes a Raspberry Pi different from a computer?

The Raspberry Pi does not come with a screen or display; it just comes as a motherboard, which must be paired with a monitor. A pc, on the other hand, includes a collection.

Is it possible to utilize a Raspberry Pi as my primary computer?

Apart from the hard drive catastrophe, the Raspberry Pi was a perfectly functional desktop PC for web browsing, writing articles, and even basic image editing. 4 GB of RAM is plenty for a desktop. 13 Chrome tabs, including a Youtube video, are taking up slightly over half of the 4 GB of available memory.



So here is our ultimate list of raspberry pi zero projects and their uses. Remember not to restrict yourself to the RPI zero projects listed here, as endless possibilities exist. RPI 0 is highly versatile and affordable, so it is the most preferred single-board computer by developers today. 


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