There are minor problems that occur in Windows on your PC. Due to the system’s complexity, you may not know the exact reason for it. You can stop them by changing specific settings on your device. These settings are not obvious, but it’s doable once you know about them. A very commonly faced Windows issue that users face is that their computer goes to sleep too fast. This might not be very pleasant if it happens while you are working or if you need to do something fundamental.

If Your Computer Goes To Sleep Too Fast, Change your laptop’s Power and Sleep settings, Update the Graphics card driver, Clean the boot, or Modify your laptop’s registry.

sleep mode

You can fix it at home in many simple ways. We have a list of 4 methods below to solve your queries on such issues. These methods would hardly take a few minutes and are not very hard. If you follow the simple steps below, you can easily do it. 

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But why does my computer go to sleep so fast?

As said earlier, finding out why it keeps happening every time can be complex. Also, the reason may vary each time that it keeps happening. It is hard to tell yourself why a sure thing is happening unless checked by a professional. But you can try multiple ways until you find what works for you.

computer sleep

This way, you’ll also know the reason it was happening. Some common reasons are:

  • You might have left the PC unattended for long hours, making it go to power-saving mode since much energy is wasted.
  • Your device may not be updated, so it can’t catch up with other functions on your computer simultaneously.
  • Also, the computer sleeps too fast if your screensaver settings are set accordingly. 

 You can try one of the methods below or multiple until you know which one stops or fixes the computer going to sleep too quickly on Windows 10. 

 Let’s end your constant worry of “Why does my computer go to sleep so fast?”. Once these methods work for you, they should fix the problem permanently. 

Method 1: How to change your laptop’s Power and Sleep settings.

Go to settings and then locate System. In the menu bar, go under Power and Sleep. You can set your screen timeout and sleep mode time according to your convenience to optimize your Windows settings.

power and sleep

Method 1 is the easiest way, but a setting change might not always cause this issue, and there might be another reason. So if method 1 does not fix your PC, try another method.

Method 2: Update the Graphics card driver

Another reason your computer goes to sleep too fast might be the driver. You must ensure it’s updated, and here’s how you can update it.

  1. Head to start and then go on device manager.
  2. A menu will pop up. Choose display adapters.
  3.  Select update driver by right-clicking on it.
  4. Then, an option appears that allows you to search automatically for available driver updates online. Make that selection.
  5. This action will update your driver with the latest version.

Your laptop goes to sleep too fast because it’s not updated and cannot keep up with other processes, making it go into power-saving mode. Update the driver software on your graphics card to prevent your device from crashing.

 Method 3: By Cleaning the boot

 Some errors occur on the PC when you have updated it recently. Such a large program has a lot of updates frequently, and some keep happening without your notice. So they may affect a small scale for the other features. If your computer goes to sleep too fast on Windows 10, it might be because of the frequent updates it goes through. 

  1. Head on to Start and locate msconfig. There you will see the system configuration listed in the drop-down results occurred.
  2. Head to system configuration, where you will find a tab named services. A dialog box will appear that should have an option of hiding services.
  3. Here, please make sure it’s not enabled.
  4. Locate Startup criteria found in systems configuration. From there, press the option that appears.
  5. Choose all options to disable them.
  6. Head to the startup tab by closing the tasks manager and clicking on the OK present at the corner.

Before checking if your computer goes to sleep too fast, ensure you restart your PC. Here is one more last method which can be tried even now your computer sleeps too soon.

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Method 4: Modify the registry of your laptop.

Simple changes in the registry can also stop your issue where your computer sleeps too soon! Here’s how you do it.

  1. Windows button and R and to be pressed together, then write regedit in the box that appears. Now click OK
  2. Now go into the menu on the left-hand side and find the key that looks like this: HKEY and press attributes.
  3. Click on OK.


What if changing the sleep timer doesn't solve the issue?

If changing the sleep timer doesn't solve the issue, check for any software or driver conflicts that may be causing the problem. Update your drivers, run a malware scan to ensure no malicious programs are affecting your computer's sleep behavior, and consider disabling unnecessary background processes that may be triggering the sleep mode.

Can screen savers affect sleep mode?

Yes, screensavers can affect sleep mode. Some screen savers are set to prevent the computer from going to sleep. Check your screen saver settings and ensure it does not interfere with the sleep mode. Alternatively, consider disabling or changing the screen-saver settings if you want your computer to sleep according to the desire timer.

Does the type of activity on my computer affect the sleep mode?

Yes, the type of activity on your computer can affect the sleep mode. Certain activities, such as playing media or running programs, can prevent the computer from going to sleep. Check your power settings and adjust the options to allow the computer to sleep even during specific activities if desired.

Can a malfunctioning hardware component cause the computer to go to sleep quickly?

Yes, a malfunctioning hardware component, such as a faulty power supply or motherboard, can cause the computer to go to sleep quickly. In such cases, it is recommend to seek professional assistance to diagnose and repair the hardware issue.

Can a Windows update affect the sleep mode?

Yes, a Windows update can affect the sleep mode. Updates may introduce new power settings or modify existing ones. If you notice changes in your computer's sleep behavior after a Windows update, check the power settings and make necessary adjustments to ensure the desire sleep timer.

How can I prevent my computer from going to sleep altogether?

To prevent your computer from falling asleep, change the power plan settings to 'Never' for sleep and display timeout options. However, it is worth noting that this may increase power consumption. Remember that regularly allowing your computer to enter sleep mode can help conserve energy and extend the lifespan of components.


These steps commonly work and fix your computer. If the same problem happens to your PC, it can be stressful. 

But now, you can keep those massive games for download without letting your PC sleep or download that significant software without any interruption! You don’t have to worry about these glitches and do your work carefree!

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